
We started this blog one year ago. Before I suffered several weather related injuries in 2014, I had hoped to have at least one book out. So here’s to brighter horizons in 2015 and friends to soar with!


Dragon Tails is a blog that will hopefully support a fantasy series of children’s books about  knights, castles, and dragons that we are hoping to publish. We also are looking at an on-line magazine for children called Dragon Tails.

The magazine will include features about dragons; we even hope to interview some famous ones.

Our major objective is to include children as the regular writers and artists of the magazine.

We hope this blog will introduce us to those who can help us reach our targeted audience.

Please come join us as we adventure into the world of dragons.

You can chat with us on Twitter: Dragontailbooks

We are joining the Zero to Hero crew at WordPress for 2014

flame in flight

all images are copyrighted

21 comments on “About

  1. “Our major objective is to include children as the regular writers and artists of the magazine” — What a fabulous idea! Critters and kids are a magical match, and children are so in tune with technology, it’s a natural bridge to have them contribute to the story. Good luck in your adventure! :>

  2. Congratulations on participating in the Zero to Hero Challenge this month! Love the look of your site. Your mission sounds terrific as well. Good luck!

  3. What a great and wonderful idea! I’m looking much forward to follow the progress of this… after all, dragons are mysterious creatures, one will never really get to know them, only as much as they themselves decides to reveal to you. After all Dragons gifts travels on ancient mythical mists 😉 Thank you for sending me here, you of the Moon…

  4. What an intriguing concept !! Good luck with it. I hope this new year proves to extremely productive for you and your project! I’m sure it’s gonna turn out awesome! 🙂

  5. Pingback: Sunday Round Up #17 | Laidig's Broadway

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